
P.S. How-to's & Disclaimers

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
That'd be Shakespeare. I feel like most of you readers are pretty savvy folks who don't need "how-to" horoscope instructions. But since I’m still feeling new to the whole horoscope scene, here is my friendly disclaimer...

Astrology is a useful tool for insight and perspective, but you make your own decisions- not the stars and certainly not some random astrologer! There is no knowing the future, only a growing knowledge of ourselves... Please, keep the words here that serve you. They’ll ring true, feel right, and be the easiest to remember. (Sounds kind of like “Oh yeah! I totally get that! My horoscope was so on this week! Elizabeth is rad.”) And, please, just ignore what doesn’t make sense. You’ll forget it in no time. (Makes you go “Huh? WTF is she talking about? She's high. That’s got nothing to do with me. Wonder what's up on PerezHilton...”) Somethings are difficult to hear, but if it's truly important it'll nag the back of your brain anyway, no matter how hard you try to forget. (That's not me telling you something, that's you telling you something.) For what it’s worth, I don’t give any advice that I’m not willing to take myself. I call it like I see it and I’m willing to take my own medicine too. This principle has guided me from the get. These horoscopes are a mixed geometry- invitations, observations, encouragement, caution, celestial measures, poetic intuition, lucky guesses, missed marks, surprise pointers, friendly reminders, continuous gratitude, loving language, sneaky typos, wordy run-ons, and odd sentence fragments I cannot resist. My repeated thanks for your encouragement and feedback. It's always welcome. Otherwise, this would be boring by myself!

thank you , *elizabeth**

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